This year’s AMC 8 opens on January 18th, 2022! This is the first year that the AMC 8 will be held in January, so students have the advantage of winter break to help prepare!
In the five weeks before the exam there is still a lot students can do to maximize their score. For more information about the AMC 8 visit our “All You Need to Know” post here.
Practice Real AMC 8 Problems
In the final weeks before the AMC 8, students should focus on practice with old AMC 8 problems to learn their strengths and weaknesses. Students should then review the problems and concepts they have difficulty with before the exam.
- It is recommended students take at least one timed Mock AMC 8 Exam each week before the exam. Mock Exams (with random AMC 8 questions from previous years) are available on the Zoom International Math League (ZIML) site here. Since these exams are timed, they allow students to practice under the time pressure they will face on exam day.
- In addition to Mock Exams, students can review an archive of old AMC 8 exams. Previous AMC 8 Contests are available on the ZIML site by clicking here.
Intensive Training for Rapid Progress
Areteem offers intensive training programs to help students prepare before the exam.
- Spots are still left in Areteem’s Winter Camps that run from Dec. 26th – 30th (Sunday through Thursday) during winter break.
- The 2021-22 Online Winter Math Boot Camp meets online via Zoom from 9am – 3pm Pacific Time each day.
- The 2021-22 AMC 8 Winter Math Boot Camp in Irvine Area, California meets onsite from 9am – 4pm Pacific Time each day.
- Both camps review new topics in pre-algebra/algebra, geometry, counting & probability, and number theory. The camps allow students to learn new concepts, practice tricks, and discuss problems with their peers.
- More information and registration is available on our Winter Camps page by clicking here.
- It’s not too late to join and catch up in the 2021-22 8 Week Prep Course for the AMC 8 online course. Click here for more information.
Join the January Online ZIML Competition
ZIML’s online monthly contests provide a way for students to practice their problem solving and improve each month.
- ZIML Division M covers material that is similar to the AMC 8, so students preparing for the AMC 8 can use the January Online Monthly Contest as a final tune-up before the AMC 8.
- The January Online Monthly Contest will be held January 7th – 9th, 2022. The contest is one hour, with 20 questions, and can be taken any time during this weekend.
- Full solutions and winners will be released by January 12th, giving students plenty of time to review the problems before the AMC 8.
- Register for the ZIML Division M Monthly Contest Bundle for access to the 2017-2020 AMC 8 Hardest Problems series described below.
Review and Discuss AMC 8 Problems
Review videos and discussion help solidify student knowledge.
- Join the Areteem Community Server on Discord by clicking here. The amc8-problem-discussion channel is a great place to discuss AMC 8 problems.
- Review past AMC 8 problems with review videos from Areteem instructors. Past problem reviews and solutions are available for purchase and immediate access on Edurila here.
- Join the ZIML Division M Monthly Contest Bundle for access to the 2017-2020 AMC 8 Hardest Problems series. In the 5 weeks before the exam, Mr. John will release video solutions to the hardest 1st question, hardest 2nd question, etc., from the last 4 AMC 8 exams. Join or access by clicking the link here.
Most importantly, do your best on competition day! Hard work pays off and the competition is a great way to show how much you’ve improved along the way. Good luck everyone!
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