Finding the right solution for a the proper math curriculum isn’t easy; there are plenty to choose from, we’re sure, so we decided to make things a little easier by simplifying the process in whittling down your selections to enroll your student into the proper curriculum. Here are three questions to ask when you’re knee-deep in searching and don’t know where to begin.
What Kind of Math is My Student Going to Be Learning?
A lot of online math courses might have vague labels; “Math Class A” doesn’t really give you the details you need in order to understand how your money is being spent. That’s why every course lists out the specific math topics that will be taught by each instructor. It’s important to hold to that level of transparency, because if there isn’t transparency, how do you know if what you’re investing in is worth the time and money?
Are the Instructors Certified to Teach Math Concepts?
We’re certain there’s an unspoken fear about who will be in front of the whiteboard in every class. Who is trying to get through to the students? How do they understand their minds? Areteem’s instructors are certified math geniuses—several carry advanced degrees in mathematics and have contributed to overall course structure.
Are These Skills Viable for Real-World Application?
Absolutely! STEM education is vastly more important than it might seem on the future. Currently, Areteem hosts a rocketry team called Vertical Projectile that is competing against several other teams in a NASA-based rocketry competition. How do you think companies like Tesla are capable of launching a car into outer space? With students that start their STEM education at places like the Areteem Institute.
We understand the concerns many parents and teachers might have about who they entrust to see their students excel in STEM courses, whether it’s through online math courses, in-class instruction, or another form of teacher-student information transfer. You can rest assured, however, that we deliver the best education possible for many students that go on to make fantastic careers in the name of science, technology, engineering, and math.
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