The summer is a great time for students to relax, have fun, get a summer job, but also continue improving academically. The freedom to choose what to do means that summer is the perfect time for students to differentiate themselves from the crowd. A good plan is essential to maximize the summer months. Here are some tips to help students design a successful summer.
1. Balance Work and Play
You work very hard throughout the school year, so it is important to use the summer to relax and recharge. It’s a great time to get outside for fresh air and exercise, hangout and spend time with friends, and pursue hobbies. With no school each day, there should be plenty of time left over to get some learning in!
Consistency is key. A few hours each day adds up! Plus, time spent getting ahead in the summer can give you more freedom during the school year. That AP course you are dreading next year can be much easier if you preview the material this summer.
Be creative! Studying does not have to be done locked in your room alone reading a textbook. Gather a group of your friends to solve math problems together to prepare for next year’s math competitions. Interested in computers and video games? Use the summer months to learn some programming and create your own game. Use the freedom of the summer months to find ways to learn while having fun.
2. Consider Your Goals
Unforeseen things always happen. Picking one or two main goals for the summer (and planning ahead to start them early) can help focus your efforts. It can be very helpful to complete something during the summer so it does not have to be worried about during the year.
For math or other science competitions, the summer is a great time for knowledge building. Join a course or camp to learn new ideas, concepts, and tricks. Then, when you are busy during the school year, you can focus on practice problems and retaining the knowledge you already have.
For high school students getting ready to apply for college, the summer can be a great time to add an extra AP course or prepare for an upcoming AP course. You can also use the summer to start drafting your college applications and researching schools.
3. Plan Ahead and Stay Organized
Coming from a busy school year, a few months with no school can seem like an unlimited amount of time where all your goals can be accomplished. Unfortunately, time flies and without careful planning the summer will be over before you know it!
Early spring is the perfect time to start coordinating your summer, keeping your main goals in mind. Most summer camps and classes are open for registration, and it is important to sign up early to save your spot and begin arranging your schedule. If you’re looking for a summer job, spring is the time to start applying as well!
Many families also take trips and vacations during the summer. Does your family always take a trip around the 4th of July? Make sure you plan ahead to study extra before the trip so you can focus on enjoying the trip instead of worrying about your studies.
Keep up the organization during the summer as well! Set aside dedicated times to study and dedicated times for your hobbies. Getting your studying done during the morning means you can enjoy the rest of the day guilt-free.
Sample Goals and Action Plans
For students preparing for math competitions such as the AMC 10 and 12, the summer is a great time to prepare. It can be very helpful to have online or onsite classes to organize your study. Areteem offers different intensive options (click here for more info) that help students rapidly progress over the summer. Summer camps are also a great way to learn while meeting new people! Click here for more information on Areteem summer camps.
For students in high school, preparing for an AP course or taking an extra AP course over the summer can simplify their school schedules and free up time during the school year. Areteem has AP Courses during the summer (College Board approved) that students can conveniently take online. More info is available here, classes start in early June.
Need some Additional Advice?
Areteem College Counseling services help middle school and high school students plan ahead to achieve their goals and get into top colleges. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more and ask any questions you have about how to maximize your summer!
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