About Areteem Institute

Areteem Institute is an educational institution that develops and provides in-depth and advanced math and science programs for High School, Middle School and Elementary School students and teachers. Areteem programs are accredited supplementary programs by WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). The curricula meet and exceed the Common Core State Standards and we are listed under the Enrichment Programs section of the Naviance online college readiness system for students, teachers and school districts across the US. Students may attend the Areteem Institute part time or full-time through these options:

  • Live and Real-time Face-to-Face Online Classes in Math, Science, Technology, etc.;
  • Self-Paced Classes by watching the recordings of the live classes;
  • Summer Residential Intensive Camps and Winter Boot Camps;
  • ZIML programs for Daily Practice and Monthly Online Contests;
  • Curriculum Books for further practice in problem solving

The Areteem courses are designed and developed by educational experts and industry professionals to bring real world applications into the STEM education. The programs are ideal for students who wish to win in Math Competitions (AMC, AIME, USAMO, IMO, ARML, MathCounts, Math League, Math Olympiad, ZIML, etc.), Science Fairs (County Science Fairs, State Science Fairs, national programs like Intel Science and Engineering Fair, etc.) and Science Olympiad, or purely want to enrich their academic lives by taking more challenges and developing outstanding analytical, logical thinking and creative problem solving skills. AP and SAT/ACT courses are available as well. Classes are usually offered in groups. Private coaching is available to students who take the group lessons and are recommended by the instructors.

Since 2004 the Areteem Institute has been teaching with the methodology that is highly promoted by the new Common Core State Standards: stressing the conceptual level understanding of the math concepts, problem solving techniques, and solving problems in the real world applications.  With the guidance from experienced professors with infusing passion and enthusiasm, students are encouraged to explore deeper by identifying an interesting problem, researching it, analyzing it, and using critical thinking approach to come up with multiple solutions.  Areteem has a national and international acclaim for our successful methods in teaching both students and teachers alike.

Hundreds of math students who have been trained at Areteem achieved the top honors and earned top awards in major national and international math competitions, including Gold Medalists in the International Math Olympiad (IMO), top winners at the USA Math Olympiad (USA(J)MO), top winners at the Zoom International Math League (ZIML), and top winners at the MathCounts National.  Many Areteem Alumni have graduated from high school and gone on to enter their dream colleges such as MIT, Cal Tech, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, U Penn, Harvey Mudd College, UC Berkeley, UCLA, etc.  Dozens of them have graduated from college and are now playing an important role in the field of endeavor.

Areteem Institute – “Challenging Talented Minds”

The Areteem Institute, an Irvine CA Private School

Areteem Institute’s emphasis is to challenge students to grow by engaging them in an exciting academic environment shared by peers of mutual interests to prepare them for the rigorous of the university experience, and to not only successfully compete, but excel in the real world job market.

Areteem Institute’s goals for each student to train them to think, read, write and analyse to be able to creatively tackle modern, real world problems and become self-sufficient individuals.


Areteem’s Model for Success

To reach our Mission objectives the Areteem Institute custom designed a full curriculum of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM, classes which focuses on problem solving. Our accredited Interactive Online classes, Self-paced classes, and Winter/Summer camp classes not only meet but exceed the uniform, nationally accepted Common Core Standards. These programs are designed to develop both academic excellence and to foster building the tools of personal achievement through the development of personal competence and character from hard work, disciple and conscientious diligence guided by intelligent and logical reasoning.

In addition to meeting the common core standards Areteem Institute has carefully developed its curriculum based on targeted research in the following areas to help its students be top achievers:

  1. College Acceptance requirements from the very top American universities.
  2. Academic readiness requirements by the top technology institutes such as MIT and Caltech.
  3. Curriculum of top private preparatory and public high schools in the United States and China.

Consequently, Areteem Institute’s students boast of remarkable, tangible and presentable results that helps build their dreams into reality for entrance into schools and careers of their choice.

The History of Areteem Institute

History of Areteem Institute

Areteem Institute is a private supplementary education center for gifted students. It was founded under its predecessor organization of Math Zoom with its math, science and technology-driven academic programs in 2004. Their goal was to provide advanced and in-depth training in the STEM subjects to high-achieving and academically successful students from second to twelfth grade, many of which are and have been involved in state and national competitions. The faculty grew to include teachers and professors from various fields, all with professional degrees and relevant work experience who teach the programs’ classes as well as at the various academic camps that are offered. This increased in size with the addition of weeklong winter math boot camps in 2006 to help prepare students for upcoming competitions, and summer residential camps. Summer camps span a three week period held at prestigious American universities to help students improve their skills, to compete in academic competitions and to gain some firsthand experience in a college setting.

The Math Zoom program has been expanding into its Areteem Institute name, of which it is now a part of, since May 2013 to include full-time and supplementary programs in addition to its flagship STEM-based classes. A majority of the Areteem Institute classes are offered online, since they first were created in 2010, with virtual interaction between students and teachers as well as our onsite technology classes held at our Irvine office location and various cities and school districts across Orange County and Los Angeles County.

Legally, Areteem Institute is part of Gyrodimensions, Inc.

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Get In Touch

Areteem Main Office

  • Add:  23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 155
  •         Lake Forest, CA 92630
  • Open: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-6pm PST
  • Tel: 949-305-1705
  • Email: info@areteem.org
  • Wechat ID: areteemsupport, areteemhelpdesk, Rosemother

Featured Teachers and Students


23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 155 Lake Forest, CA 92630, Tel: 949-305-1705info@areteem.org WeChat: areteemsupport, areteemhelpdesk, Rosemother
