Zoom International Math League - ZIML( Zoom International Math Competition)


In 2019, the ZIML Onsite Competitions will be held at our Summer Camp locations on the following dates:

    • June 30th, 2019 at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
    • August 4th, 2019 at the University of California, San Diego in San Diego, CA as part of the International ZIML Convention held August 3rd-4th, 2019.
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Overview of the Zoom International Math League

Mathematics is the foundation of all science and engineering fields. The world of mathematics is full of fun and exciting challenges. The Zoom International Math League provides just that and those who are brave enough to partake will reap the fruitful harvest!

Zoom International Math League - Started in 2008 as the Southern California Mathematical Olympiad, ZIML has produced tournament players who have advanced to top-tier colleges and prestigious mathematics competitions, including American Math Competitions(AMC), MATHCOUNTS, and International Math Olympiad(IMO), etc. To keep up with the demand of grooming students for getting ready for the prestigious college life and professional careers, Areteem’s ZIML competition is having a comprehensive upgrade this year, making it available not just during the summer and fall – but once per month during the school year. Visit ziml.areteem.org to view the details of the rules and sign on to participate. 

ZIML's beginnings stemmed back when the 1st ZIML Onsite Math Competition was held in 2008. The core rules then remain true to this day - but competition accommodations, methods, and tracking continue to improve year by year. At present, “the electronic scoreboard” used in the final process is based on a blackboard (literally!) scoreboard originally completed by hand by the referee staff.

We now offer year-round online programs on the ZIML website.

The ZIML Programs, including Monthly Contests, Weekly Brain Potions and Daily Magic Spells, help students to keep track of their learning progress throughout the year. With the website's intuitive system, students will improve their math problem solving skills and continually strive to excel by learning what areas they need to focus on more than others. ZIML problems cover many types of AMC math problems and offer similar math challenges to the students. ZIML competition has levels that correspond to AMC 8, 10, 12, AIME and USAMO levels. Students are encouraged to use ZIML problems as AMC practice problems.  

All students, groups, and clubs are encouraged to participate and to keep up throughout the school year so you have a good record to show college admissions officers later on of all of your great work in mathematics!

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Learn More about ZIML's Rich History through the Photos Found Below

In 2008, Areteem Math Zoom partnered with the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and conducted the “Who Wants to Be a Mathematician?” contest along with the Southern California Math Olympiad (ZIML).  It is derived from the famous American TV reality show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”  Combined efforts from both Areteem Math Zoom and the AMS, have attracted enthusiastic responses from more than 30 high schools.

 "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" host, Mike Breen.


"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" final scene.
Dr. Kevin Wang at the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" awards ceremony. 

Dr. Kevin Wang awarding the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" winners. 

The electronic score board used at the Zoom International Math League.


Competitors over the years have progressed to demonstrate exemplary performance in school, math competitions including MATHCOUNTS, American Math Competitions (AMC), and International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) , etc., and acceptance by top universities in the US and in the world.  Such is the case with Harvard student, Patrick Pan, who was in the news for being accepted to Harvard at 15 and then dropped out to join a startup venture, and later on returned to Harvard.  Patrick participated in Areteem's summer camps and has undergone the ZIML.

Patrick Pan, admitted to Harvard University at 15 years old.  


Over the years, those who attended Areteem Institute’s summer camps and has ZIML as their training ground, achieved commendable ranking in international Math tournaments and has garnered one success after another.  The following picture is the 2015 International Mathematical Olympiad champion USA team members, in which 3 of the 6 members have attended Areteem Institute’s programs and have gone through the ZIML math competitions with commendable performances. 

Dr. Kevin Wang is a former China Team member for the International Math Olympiad (IMO). Dr. Wang was the top scorer in China in American Math Competition (AMC) and American Invitational Math Examination (AIME), and the winner of multiple national & international contests in math and science in China. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University, and worked as a faculty member in Mathematics at UC Irvine and UCLA.

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  •         Lake Forest, CA 92630
  • Open: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-6pm PST
  • Tel: 949-305-1705
  • Email: info@areteem.org
  • Wechat ID: areteemsupport, areteemhelpdesk, Rosemother

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23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 155 Lake Forest, CA 92630, Tel: 949-305-1705info@areteem.org WeChat: areteemsupport, areteemhelpdesk, Rosemother

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