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A good counselor will become your life coach, and help you build the path to success in college application.

Areteem College Counseling Program

With 12 years of experience working with students and families, Areteem has witnessed many successful stories of students getting into their dream colleges. Many of them have eventually graduated and entered professional fields. There is no one formula that fits all, but certainly, there are principles and guidelines to use. Basically, the US college application process is a self-discovery process for students to identify their strength, weakness, like and dislike, interest and passion.  Using a holistic approach to assess the student as a whole person, and developing a plan that works for you for your personal and professional growth.  A good counselor will become your life coach, and help you build the path to success not only in college application but also in careers and life in general.

Program services include

  • Aptitude Assessment & SWAT Analysis
  • Ongoing Counseling with Monthly Meetings
  • Course Planning, Study Skills & GPA Management
  • SAT, ACT & AP Planning
  • Teenage Issues & Stress Management
  • College Research
  • Academic Competitions
  • Extracurricular Activity Planning & Review
  • Research and Internship Planning & Training
  • Summer Planning
  • Interview Training
  • Application Package
  • Essay Planning & Editing

Getting Started

Successful college planning is not easy, but we can help! Before accepting any student into our program, we like to learn more about the student and the goals that they have. An initial consultation is free. Please call us at (949) 305-1705 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your student's information and the best phone number and time to reach you. One of our counseling staff will contact you with more information.

Essay Help for College Applications

For students in the process of applying to college this year, the essay portion of the application process is key for acceptance to your preferred school. These essays can often be stressful for parents and students, so our college counseling team is here to help! Whether your essay needs one final pass of editing or you're starting with the brainstorming process, our essay specialists will help you craft a great essay.

Sample Sessions:

  • Brainstorming: Read through an essay prompt with our essay advisor and work together to create an outline for the essay including your background and extracurricular activities.
  • Editing: Submit a draft of your college essay and work through it with our essay advisor who will suggest ways to improve and fine-tune your essay before submitting it as part of your applications.

Reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions. Want to schedule a session right away? Use the link below to pay for one or more sessions!

Previous webinars - Areteem programs, information from college admissions officers and outstanding college applicants

The Areteem Advantage: What do top colleges want from applicants, and what sets Areteem apart? Feb 2023: Dr. Wang, Ms. Ren & Mr. Lensmire Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Webinar - To do list before submitting your college application (in Chinese) Oct 2022: Ms Ren (Head Counselor / Areteem Executive Director)

Webinar - How to improve your core competitiveness in your college application (in Chinese) Apr 2022: Ms Ren (Head Counselor / Areteem Executive Director)

Areteem Institute's Destination: Success College Info Seminar, June 2014: Noa G (Accepted by Stanford, Harvard, MIT)

Areteem Institute's Destination: Success College Info Webinar, June 2014: Likith G (Accepted by Princeton)

Areteem Institute's Destination: Success College Info Webinar, June 2014: Vishank (Accepted by Princeton)

Areteem Institute's Destination: Success College Info Webinar, June 2014: Makie P (Former Student Service Associate at Areteem)

Areteem Institute's Destination: Success College Info Webinar, June 2014: Ana R (Admissions Officer at UC Berkeley)

Areteem Institute's College Fair & Open House Webinar, Oct 2014: Nancy A (Admissions Officer at UC Davis)

Areteem Institute's College Fair & Open House Webinar, Oct 2014: Liz H (Admissions Officer at Oberlin College)

Areteem Institute's College Fair & Open House Webinar, Oct 2014: Malisha R Admissions Officer at Emory University

Areteem Institute's College Fair & Open House Webinar, Oct 2014: Brandon M (Admissions Officer at Rice University)

Areteem Institute's College Admissions Webinar, Oct 2014: Jessica D (Admissions Officer at Davidson College)

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Accreditation & Association

Areteem programs (online/onsite courses, summer/winter intensive training camps, and workshops) are accredited by WASC.
Areteem is a long-term partner with the LA County Office of Education, the organizer of the LA Math Field Day and the STEM Festival.
Areteem AP courses are officially approved by the College Board. They are equivalent to regular high school AP courses.


  • Post by Areteem Institute
  • 9 years ago
Areteem Institute is once again offering it’s prestigious ZIML (Zoom International Math League) to


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Get In Touch

Areteem Main Office

  • Add:  23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 155
  •         Lake Forest, CA 92630
  • Open: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-6pm PST
  • Tel: 949-305-1705
  • Email:
  • Wechat ID: areteemsupport, areteemhelpdesk, Rosemother

Featured Teachers and Students


23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 155 Lake Forest, CA 92630, Tel: WeChat: areteemsupport, areteemhelpdesk, Rosemother
