Areteem Institute的教育理念:教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。从2004年成立之初的 Math Zoom:一个专注培养各类数学竞赛选手的集中训练营,到今天的Areteem Institute:一个专门打造数理人才,培养数理专业领军人物,集合深度数学思维训练,竞技数学,实用科学,人文艺术,职业潜能开发于一体的全科类培养机构,Areteem有幸和千万个崇尚教育的家庭共同见证那些有天赋的孩子们的成长。在各个领域有着不同特长和兴趣的孩子们,都在这里找到了适合自己的“朋友圈”,零距离接触这些领域的顶尖专家,得到第一手指导。从传统的数学竞赛,走到如今的以兴趣驱动,以课题为主导的研究性学习,Areteem培养了一批又一批全面发展的优秀学生,他们对所钻研的领域有着强烈的兴趣和激情,并对相关的其他学科也涉猎广泛。Areteem帮助他们在数学科技大赛及奖学金项目上崭露头角,圆梦名牌大学,开启事业航程。Areteem的学员中有90%被美国Top20的名校录取!
“My camp experience was awesome, it exceeded my expectations”
Youedon Tenzin - Yale University
“I came thinking that the camp would be too hard and I was really nervous, but it was extremely fun. The classes were great and taught me a lot, the activities were fun and gave me things to do, the field trips were great, and overall the camp was awesome”
Tommy Jiang - Yale University
“At first I was scared that I wouldn’t like it or would get homesick, but I soon grew to like it here. It was really fun; I got to meet people from all over the country”
Sophia Wang - Yale University
23832 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 155 Lake Forest, CA 92630, Tel: 949-305-1705, WeChat: areteemsupport, areteemhelpdesk, Rosemother